The Israeli army suspends the F-35 training flights due to a technical issues.

The Israeli army suspends the F-35 training flights due to technical issues.

The Israeli army suspends the F-35 training flights due to a technical issues.
An Israeli F-35 aircraft (Archive - Reuters)

Tel Aviv: Asharq Al-Awsat

The Israeli Air Force has suspended training flights for all F-35 jets owing to a possible technical flaw in the ejection seat mechanism.

According to a report by the German News Agency, the Israeli Broadcasting Corporation stated today (Sunday) that every aircraft will be thoroughly investigated in the next days, citing the army.

According to Air Force authorities, operational flights of these aircraft will continue as needed.

The US Air Force has recently decided to ground all squadrons of these aircraft in order to inspect the ejection seat system. Notable is the fact that Israel had received fifty aircraft of this type.

News Summary: 

The Israeli Air Force suspended F-35 training flights owing to a suspected ejection chair problem.

The Israeli Broadcasting Corporation said today (Sunday) that the army will check all aircraft in the coming days.

Air Force sources say these planes will fly as needed.

The US Air Force recently grounded all such units to inspect the ejection chair mechanism. Israel acquired 50 such fighters.
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